Yolk Records

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Autorité Culinaire Le Cube

reference number : J2009
release date : 01/03/2001

about this album

“The double-bass has the backing and the sensuality of a danced bolero (Sébastien Boisseau); the drums are as humid and languid as a summer evening (Christophe Lavergne); the saxophone as unctuous as a caress (saxophone in C, alto, tenor by Alban Darche, in whose playing the phrases of Steve Coleman are no more than a marvellously assimilated fleeting memory). The sound synthesiser (sic) is on the heels of the saxophone like a shadow (Arnaud Roulin, the semi-permanent guest of the trio), suddenly wailing with warped meowing like an old analogue tape-recorder. Something dated, crumbling, with a mocking distance that can be read right from the opening title. Arnaud Roulin can do the worst, and he can also bring out the best from it, with a mixture of tenderness, cynicism, impertinence and irony that breaks down all resistance. Listening to the tracks one after the other, one discovers improbable material behind the most stereotyped sonorities. They increase the strangeness of a music that plays on fuzziness, and defies all attempts at labelling, in a constant cat-and-mouse chase between notation and improvisation. Between the disembodied material of ‘music as furniture’ and a musicality of timbres, melodies and rhythms that imprints its fascination in an insidious and irresistible manner. The formal daring moves forward, masked by a false nonchalance, in order to delight more. One returns to it intensely perplexed, insatiably curious, and finally won over. The fifteenth listening is the good one. The sixteenth is better still.”

Franck Bergerot


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01. Pour Wayne & Anne
02. Miramas Reggae
03. Charlotte
04. U Maleho Pablo (*)
05. Pour La Venger
06. Autorité Culinaire
07. Base Ilade
08. Miel Mauve
09. Viandox
10. Krabut
11. reimmoP nomiS


other works with Alban Darche
Le Cube >> Le Thé
Le Gros Cube >> La martipontine
Le Gros Cube >> LE PAX, Le Gros Cube VS Katerine
Le Gros Cube >> Polar mood
Quartethno >> quartethno
OLH Acoustic >> une vie sans lune
Jazzophone quartet >> blues for geo
Jazzophone cie + Tim Berne >> mosaiques
Qüntêt >> on the road enfin...
OLH Acoustic >> G. meets K.
Jazzophone >> yellow suite
Alban Darche trio >> trickster
Qüntêt >> vents dominants
Alban Darche trio >> brut ou demi sec?
D. Casimir & Yolk en cuisine >> Phonotaxis ou le génome de la vache
Quartethno >> tawada
Le Cube >> Frelon Rouge
Le Gros Cube >> Queen bishop
Orphicube >> perception instantanée
Le Gros Cube #2 >> Histoire sans paroles
Alban Darche hyprcub >> Crooked House
Qüntêt featuring Desdamona >> Mots croisés/ Crosswords
JASS >> mix of sun and clouds
Orphicube >> Atomic Flonflons
Jean-Christophe Cholet - Alban Darche - Mathias Ruëgg >> Le tombeau de Poulenc
Clover >> Vert Emeraude
Longboard >> Being wild
Le Gros Cube #2 >>
Clover >> Paradigme
Dandy Dandie >> Hypnos & Morphée
Alban Darche et Loïs Le Van >> Les mots bleus
Alban Darche et Loïs Le Van >> Lazy Afternoon

other works with Sébastien Boisseau
UNIT >> wavin'
Le Gros Cube >> La martipontine
Le Cube >> Le Thé
Le Gros Cube >> LE PAX, Le Gros Cube VS Katerine
Le Gros Cube >> Polar mood
Triade >> japan edition
Triade >> l'ardu
A suivre... x'tet >> paris-calvance
A suivre... x'tet >> variations alterees
Hazebrouck sextet >> frasques
D. Casimir & Yolk en cuisine >> Phonotaxis ou le génome de la vache
Le Cube >> Frelon Rouge
Wood (boisseau-donarier) >> WOOD
Le Gros Cube >> Queen bishop
Orphicube >> perception instantanée
Alban Darche hyprcub >> Crooked House
La Musique de Salon >> 1 salon, 2 musiciens
JASS >> mix of sun and clouds
Orphicube >> Atomic Flonflons
Orbit >> Orbit
Clover >> Vert Emeraude
Le Gros Cube #2 >>
Clover >> Paradigme
Le Gros Cube #2 >> Histoire sans paroles
David Chevallier quartet >> Curiosity
Orbit >> In-visibility
Jean-Paul Delore, Louis Sclavis, Sébastien Boisseau >> Langues et lueurs

other works with Christophe Lavergne
Le Gros Cube >> La martipontine
Le Cube >> Le Thé
Le Gros Cube >> LE PAX, Le Gros Cube VS Katerine
Le Gros Cube >> Polar mood
Francis et ses peintres >> la paloma
Qüntêt >> vents dominants
LPT3 >> deja 7h!?...
Le Cube >> Frelon Rouge
Le Gros Cube >> Queen bishop
Orphicube >> perception instantanée
Alban Darche hyprcub >> Crooked House
Jazzarium >> Megapolis
Qüntêt featuring Desdamona >> Mots croisés/ Crosswords
LPT3 >> Vents Divers
Orphicube >> Atomic Flonflons
Jean-Christophe Cholet - Alban Darche - Mathias Ruëgg >> Le tombeau de Poulenc
Le Gros Cube #2 >>
Le Gros Cube #2 >> Histoire sans paroles
David Chevallier quartet >> Curiosity

other works with Arnaud Roulin
Le Cube >> Le Thé
Le Gros Cube >> La martipontine
Le Gros Cube >> Polar mood
Le Gros Cube >> LE PAX, Le Gros Cube VS Katerine

other works with Geoffroy Tamisier
Le Gros Cube >> La martipontine
Le Gros Cube >> LE PAX, Le Gros Cube VS Katerine
Le Gros Cube >> Polar mood
Quartethno >> quartethno
OLH Acoustic >> une vie sans lune
Jazzophone cie + Tim Berne >> mosaiques
OLH Acoustic >> G. meets K.
Le souffle des terroirs >>
Geoffroy Tamisier trio >> au bonheur des anges
Quartethno >> tawada
Georgui Kornazov quintet >> staro vreme
Le Gros Cube >> Queen bishop
Brass danse orchestra >> La danse du souffle
Jazzarium >> Megapolis
Nathalie Darche joue Geoffroy Tamisier >> 15 berceuses
Le Gros Cube #2 >>
Le Gros Cube #2 >> Histoire sans paroles
Dandy Dandie >> Hypnos & Morphée