Yolk Records

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Toma Gouband percussions



Toma Gouband apparait pour la première fois sur le catalogue de Yolk au sein de l'Orca Noise Unit de Jozef Dumoulin. Lithopones, pierres, tambours, plumeaux et feuilles constituent son instrumentarium. Sorcier-chamane de la percussion, ses performances s’apparentent à de véritables rituels sonores, animés par une pulsation intérieure faite de superpositions de cycles mystérieux. Un savant tissage de sons que l’on ressent comme universels, venus d’un âge ancien, affranchis des codes et des chapelles, libres de véhiculer les énergies d’une transe surnaturelle. Une démarche intime et surprenante, qui a valu à Toma Gouband de gagner l’admiration de quelques-uns des hérauts de l’improvisation libre avec qui il a partagé la scène.

Toma met and played with many great musicians, recently with Evan Parker, Benoit Delbecq, Nelson Veras, Jozef Dumoulin, Eve Risser, Magic Malik, Bruno Chevillon, Harmen Fraanje, Brice Soniano, Joachim Bedendhorst, Kim Myhr, Robin Verheyen, Antonin Tri Hoang, Will Guthrie, Michel Doneda …
He plays solo where he developes a music using singing stones on a drum setting and on cymbales used as resonnators.
” For some times I focus on numbers, observing the relation between them, the proportions that the meeting of 2 numbers shows. By using these results, understanding them, it gives the possibility of experiencing organically the relation of 2 elements in the same time. [ 2×3=6 > 2,1,1,2 ]
for some times I focus on finding instruments containing possibilities of sounds from groundy to spheric.
singing stones is a very particular and complex material witch contains a certain rythm, pulse, silence.
mixed with other elements as metal and skins, it gives the possibilty of experiencing a certain melody.
still the musician plays the material, system of reflexions, listening in many ways is an access to let it be, let it go.”


Cette liste est non exhaustive.


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